
I work primarily with encaustic medium and bees wax on both cradled wood panels and salvaged wood pieces. The unique properties of encaustic medium; warmth, movement, texture, and scent of the wax all captivate me. A repetitive meditative process has been central to my creative practice. My process combines the free flow formation of encaustic monotypes along with the carefully planned repetitive assembly of paper relief. Recurring themes reference water in all forms and is a central source of inspiration and imagery in my works. I utilize color, texture, light, and many built up layers to represent and communicate my love and fascination with California coastal beach elements. Waves, sunlight, sea smoke, sea foam, tide pools and fog are all sources of inspiration. Layers of flowing encaustic medium, beeswax, and pigments communicate what is seen, what is veiled, the unseen, and that which lies beneath and  imagined. The deconstruction of monotype paper swatches assembled into paper relief works communicate fragmented and imprecise memories. My desire is not to overwhelm the viewer with my perspective but to offer a gentle suggestion and an opportunity for them to connect on their own terms. 
